"Prendre soin des autres à
toujours été une évidence.."

Estelle Jaumot

A heart on her hand since her early childhood despite her shyness. Estelle, had the strength to assert herself and understand the true values that inspire her a better life.
Today mother of two wonderful princesses, a little baby boy and married, she combines her super talents with her professional world around well-being, and this for more than 10 years.
Every day Estelle learns new things about people, but also about herself.
"We cannot pass on what we have not experienced"
Her passion is to transmit her knowledge in order to bring a state of "well-being" to her clients. "Listening to the people I receive at my practice is the most important thing in my job. Sharing, connecting, in order to help them move forward on various themes such as letting go, self-esteem and self-confidence. se.
"Believe me, if it would be possible for me to do it, my care would be free! Well-being is essential in everyone's life!"
Caroline Nicol

From a very young age, Caroline has always been a joyful person, full of life, chatty… She has developed a very competitive spirit by having a high level in swimming.
Wanting to escape and discover, she had the chance and mostly all the courage to go and live in different countries (Canada, United States…) in order to study and develop herself.
Passionate about the accomplishment of the person, her strong character helps her to achieve her goals while combining gentleness and harmony within her rituals.
"We cannot cure what we are not aware of" are, according to her, words that resonate.
"In our society too many people have wounds that prevent them from fulfilling themselves as a person and not through something."
"Without knowing the wounds anchored in us, it is impossible to heal them. By taking the time to listen to and discover ourselves through our rituals, I will be delighted to give you my best advice in order to find your true self."
Her gentleness, confidence, kindness and energy will inspire you!